By George Friedman | September 13, 2011
When I visited Europe in 2008 and before, the idea that Europe was not going to emerge as one united political entity was regarded as heresy by many leaders. The European enterprise was seen as a work in progress moving inevitably toward unification — a group of nations committed to a common fate. What was a core vision in 2008 is now gone. What was inconceivable — the primacy of the traditional nation-state — is now commonly discussed, and steps to devolve Europe in part or in whole (such as ejecting Greece from the eurozone) are being contemplated. This is not a trivial event.
Before 1492, Europe was a backwater of small nationalities struggling over a relatively small piece of cold, rainy land. But one technological change made Europe the center of the international system: deep-water navigation. Read more » Джордж Фридман
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This is the stuff that banks and politicians need to worry about. The deeper worry is nationalism. European nationalism has always had a deeper engine than simply love of one’s own. It is also rooted in resentment of others. Europe is not necessarily unique in this, but it has experienced some of the greatest catastrophes in history because of it. Historically, the Europeans have hated well. We are very early in the process of accumulating grievances and remembering how to hate, but we have entered the process. How this is played out, how the politicians, financiers and media interpret these grievances, will have great implications for Europe. Out of it may come a broader sense of national betrayal, which was just what the European Union was supposed to prevent.
Это вещи, о которых банкам и политикам нужно беспокоиться. Глубоким беспокойством национализмом. Европейский национализм всегда имел глубокие причины, чем просто любовь к своей собственной земле. Он также уходит корнями в негодование других. Европа не обязательно уникальна в этом, но она испытала некоторые величайшие катастрофы в истории из-за этого. Исторически сложилось, что европейцы умели хорошо ненавидеть.
Мы очень рано в процессе накопления обид и вспоминая, как ненавидеть, но мы вступили в процесс. Как это разыгрывается, как политиков, финансистов и СМИ интерпретируют эти обиды, будет иметь большие последствия для Европы. Из этого может выйти более широкий смысл национального предательства, который был только тем, что Европейский Союз должен был это предотвратить.
Read more: The Crisis of Europe and European Nationalism | STRATFOR